Move in the future

The reasoning for your next moving experience can be relocation, because of a new job, downsizing, upsizing, a change in scenery for retirement, or hundreds of other driving forces that could be behind an upcoming move. Two of the main move types are local and long-distance moves. Interstate moves can cross state lines defining a long-distance move, although, long distance does not always mean crossing state lines and is not necessarily defined as an interstate move. No matter your why or what or when it should be as stress-free as possible

Preparing for a move local or long distance can be smoother if the “prep” part is well thought out

and is accompanied by a laid-out timeline. Moving involves some level of stress any way you approach it and hiccups will occur, it is the reality of moving, but preparation work can help you endure such hiccups and lessen the stress gauge significantly. Once there is a concrete yes, that there will be a future move in the cards for you, gather what organization skills you can assemble and add some creativity in, and get in gear with all of these additives immediately.

The following are suggestions to help with the next moving experience:

Create a realistic moving budget

Is there a job relocation package set amount for this move? Will this move is going to be funded by your personal budget? If so, dedicating a particular credit card for all the moving expenses can simplify tracking all fees of your move. Also, when filing your taxes, ask your income tax preparer if any of the fees are tax-deductible.

A budget allows you to know if friends and family will help with the move or you will hire professional movers. Recruiting family and friends can be budget-friendly. Although, hiring professional movers might be well worth the added cost, due to the amount of workload they can take off your plate, during this stressful time. Contacting a moving company should include minimum hassle and maximum support process. Hiring a professional moving company can be a great experience. Research, review, and ask all the questions that are important to you. Make sure you get it all in writing, make sure you understand the quoted price to prevent hidden fees, and then re-read the small print, all before signing your contract. You are the customer and the moving company is the provider, remember this. As the moving day gets closer you will have peace of mind if a moving budget and movers are scheduled.

Create a moving checklist

The draft a timeline that fits your needs, map this out with the question in mind, how long do I have before I have to move? Various things can hinge on this, such as on the sale of current real estate or how much notice to give to your landlord if you currently rent.

Change of address and services to cancel or transfer

The U.S. postal service needs to be notified of an address change. Check with all your utility companies to determine if you will need to transfer or cancel services.

Cancellations or transfers may also include landscaping, housekeeping, and pest control.

Declutter before packing

The best time to clean out items you do not use anymore is when you are moving. Get rid of all the items that fit in the category, keep, sell, donate or toss them, this will mean less to pack for the move and less to unpack once you get moved.

Moving Day

Invest in quality moving boxes and packing supplies

By now you have a budget in place, considering the durability of moving boxes, investing in moving boxes is a relatively inexpensive cost, in the end, considering the compromised boxes from your local grocery or liquor store that can cause damage or breakdown during the move.

Consider purchasing bubble wrap for glass items, foam peanuts, packing box tape, and printed labels or markers. Labeling boxes with the items enclosed will help with the cautionary moving of those items and correct labeling allows you to know what are in the boxes and where to place them at the residence you will be moving to, another idea is to give each room its own color of label or color of a marker of your choice.

Pack daily for the upcoming move

Do NOT wait until the last minute to pack, set aside an hour a day to pack for the big moving day.

Procrastinating to the last minute to pack will cause added stress and frustration. Tackle one room at a time, make sure to utilize your packing box to its capacity, this will make stacking the moving boxes by family and friends or a professional moving company easier. Correctly packed moving boxes that are easy to lift, are less likely to be dropped or cause damage to your items. Make sure you fill all the gaps in the boxes when packing, especially with glass items, this will prevent shifting and movement and help prevent breakage

Moving Day

Assign a “go to” person on moving day, it will decrease confusion, this moving supervisor will direct the moving professionals or family and friends of what large furniture and moving boxes will need to be loaded first, next to, or last.

 A moving supervisor can save time and money if professionals are being used.

Moving is not at the top of favorite things to do for most but it doesn’t have to be the equivalent of having your wisdom teeth extracted. Moving that is spearheaded with the organization can be a smoother transition than not. Family and friends are always a great asset in a moving process, but professional movers are not always the bad guy and a dreaded expense that should be counted out immediately. They are professionals and can provide a quality experience.

Happy Moving!!!